The first way of istikhaara is through letters & couriers. Thousands of letters are received concerning the problems people all over the world; Maulana Bashir Farooqui has taken charge of sorting out their problems by the effective way of istikhaara. Alhamd-O-lillah, by the grace of Allah the almighty, the organization receives around 2,500 letters every day. The letters are handled by Maulana Bashir Farooqui & their reply with the Qura’anic Ayahs to the respective person. You can send your letters to following adress. Saylani Welfare International Trust A-25, Bahadurabad Chowrangi, Karachi, Pakistan
The second way of istikhaara is through website. In the present modern era where so many technological departs made great progress in their fields at their best standard, similarly the communication sources also made great developments today world is a global village & no distance among the peoples of the world due to communication developments. Internet & website is also a most fastest, speedy & effective source of communication. The organization has their own website too for istikhaara purpose where daily about 1,000 peoples login, submits their problems & get their replies with complete suggestions (wazaif), taweezat, naqsh etc. this is the most safe, confidential & speedy source to solve the problems of the peoples who contact regarding their spiritual matters.
The third way of istikhaara is by face meeting through appointment. Alhamd-O-lillah, by the grace of Allah! Maulana Bashir Farooqui treats the peoples who are victims & facing illness, infertility, joblessness, marital matters (obstacle in marriage proposal), financial problems, taken from others problems, troubles, tensions, tragedies, & other difficulties in their common life. Maulana Bashir Farooqui is sitting in Saylani Welfare Trust, Bahadurabad, Karachi in the following timimngs. Daily after ZUHAR to ASAR prayers. On Sunday morning at 11:00am to 02:00 noon. Friday remain closed as weekly holiday.